National Compliment Day

This special day occurs on the 24th January. These women, Kathy Chamberlin of Hopkinton, N.H. and Debby Hoffyman of Concord, N.H., created National Compliment Day to let people know that paying compliments is not only an easy way to connect with another human being but that it is also a very positive way. As a simple kind word can make a difference to someone’s day even “How are you?” or “Hello”.
The power of a compliment is pretty remarkable: either giving or receiving one can boost your happiness and confidence — making the act a win-win.

These are our compliments to each other:
Jasper’s compliment to  Ivy: Ivy is a great dancer. Dancing is her strength. 
Mrs Pinner’s compliment to Daisy: Daisy is always smiling and never fails to make us laugh with her fantastic sense of humour.

Daisy’s compliment to Skye: She knows facts about snakes that are interesting

Bella’s compliment to Eve: Eve is so funny and is exceptionally good at history, we learn a lot from her!

Eve’s compliment to Nathan: He always has a smile on his face and it cheers up the class.

Ivy’s compliment to Jasper: Your football skills are great!

Skye’s compliment to Bella: Bella is kind and caring and has a very sweet personality.

Thank you to our Junior Journalists from Sarratt School for this article. Great job!!